Pages صفحات مستقلة

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

ًرايكم شنو نسمي هذي القائمة؟؟؟

In a really intentional , Particular order, or maybe NOT,..

Section 1, State's Persons and what they represent, one for all

Khalifa, King of Bahrain's uncle and appointed PM for 40 years

Who's Who in the house of AlSaud, toughest of the tough of the family

Gabinete del Anticristo

Section 2, Celebs



Ashton Kutcher

MOOOOOOOOOOre to be posted,.. always Suggest a face

سوف يتم إضافة المزيد
اقترحوا شخصية

O K,..

These updates will halt , but you can still suggest a face,..
for these guys have a great site,  Now they probably stole my Idea,. ^_^
But I love their work,.. mine sucked anyways,.. so off to their site below,..

Site's name; Ikhras ; Arabic = " Shut UP "

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