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Friday, December 2, 2011

Joke?? Democracies that got no Constitutions??

Hashem, is the Hebrew word for God, in Arabic it's the Name of the Family of the Prophet of Islam, believed by some sects to have the power and oversees the universe!!

Haven't we been deafened by the Propaganda that " Israel " is the only democracy in the Middle east, and we have been deafened that the USA supports and preaches democracy m and that they only interfere where democracy i in Danger,... 
Now,.. Let's look at the USA closest of allies in the region , Saudi Arabia/Bahrain, all the Persian Gulf states, Mubarak, BenAli, Salih,.. and of course " God " himself as far as the USA is concerned, the state of " I*rael" 
all of these GOT NO constitution at all, no written law that governs the people which would " Have been written by the people "

so in fact Americas closest of allies are Autocracies
among these countries that don't have a constitution is the UK,..
Even though they are barging about being Democracies, especially Israel who wants to be " a Jewish State " ,.. how could there be a Jewish state and a democracy at the same time??? for two main reasons:

1st: Not all jews recognize Israel, Search-Link,..
Palestinian Exodus

and the 2nd reason is : You cannot have a democracy when you deny the people of the original land their citizenship status ,.. so??? it's the definition of impossible to say that I*rael is, or will ever be a democracy "

Let's now look at Syria which they are all against , Iran, and Lebanon,... they all have constitutions, and they can always be amended,

so it's really not about being a democracy or not as far as Uncle Sam's concerned

It's about NOT making I*rael Bad, a state that is a bastard even according the honorable believe of Judaism that they claim to follow


Israel’s democracy in peril


Israel’s democracy in peril


  Quote , incase they pressured for the removal of the link , 

These are not good days for democracy in Israel.
Several legislative motions laid before the Knesset or already passed seem to curb the democratic nature of the Jewish state. Israel has always prided itself for not only being the only democracy in the Middle East, but also for striking a fair balance between the Jewishness of the state and democracy.
Indeed, such a complex notion of a Jewish and democratic state can only be maintained by the use of two means: fairness and common sense. Fairness means that the Jews, after centuries of being exiled and persecuted, are entitled to a state of their own, a Jewish state. Fairness also means that under the Jewish umbrella, the Israeli Arabs (one fifth of the population) should enjoy full equality. Common sense calls for that fairness to be implemented in real life.
In other words, to maintain the fragile, uneasy, equilibrium between the Jewish majority and the Arab minority in Israel. For this balance to be maintained, the circumstantial majority has to overcome its appetite to use its power and legislate laws that will suppress the minority of the day.
In most countries of the world, the constitution does the restraining work. Israel and the United Kingdom are among the few countries that don’t have a constitution. However, in the United Kingdom, unlike in Israel, the House of Lords can review laws emanating from the Parliament, thus introducing a moderating spirit. Furthermore, the Britons have ingrained in their political culture something called “it’s not done.”
Not so in Israel. With a lack of constitution and the cut-throat Israeli politics, everything can happen. And it happens indeed. There is a proposal to require citizens to take a loyalty oath as a condition of voting in elections. This may look natural in the United States of America, where every citizen can feel proud when singing of “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” In Israel, however, the first line of Hatikvah, our national anthem, is “As long as deep inside, a Jewish soul is palpitating.” This is hard enough for Israeli Arabs to swallow; must we push it down their throats by law?
Furthermore, on Independence Day, Jews and Arabs in Israel commemorate events that happened in 1948, which have diametrically opposed significance for the two groups: For the Jewish majority this is a day of celebration over the birth of Israel, while for the Arab minority it is the day of the Naqba, catastrophe in Arabic, when they mourn the loss of Palestine. Now there is a motion floating in the Knesset, to prohibit the commemoration of the Naqba. Why make things which are difficult enough, more difficult? Just because the majority can do whatever it wants?
There are nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in Israel that are trying to promote democracy by enhancing the status and living conditions of the less-privileged sections of the society. They get much of their support from foreign countries, which, by the way, are friends of Israel. Now there is a bill to drastically limit donations to the equivalent of roughly $5,000 annually.
Since the Arabs constitute one of the two poorest groups in Israel (the other is that of the ultra-Orthodox), this bill, if passed, will surely hurt them first. If in the past, the free Israeli press could have criticized such developments without fear, lawmakers are now moving ahead to change it. A bill proposed recently will increase the maximum compensation paid for libel violations — without proof of damage — to the equivalent of about $80,500, six times what it is today. No need to elaborate what this will do to the investigative press.
Finally, with the lack of constitution and political restraint, the Supreme Court in Israel served as the guardian of democracy. However, a bill has been entertained recently to condition the approval of Supreme Court justices on a public hearing before a Knesset panel. In other words, make the justices more “friendly” to the politicians. And there is talk now of limiting the right of civic groups to appeal to the Supreme Court.
Proponents of this recent wave of legislation maintain that once the Israeli voters elected a rightist majority to the Knesset, this majority has the right to rule. That is true, but democracy is not only the rule by majority; it is also the respect of the rights of the minority.
In the early days of Israel, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion used his left-of-center majority to marginalize the right. Now the right is in power, and it does the same — and more — to the left. This is a dangerous development, and all those who care about Israeli democracy should speak up against it.
Uri Dromi is a columnist based in Jerusalem
------------ End of quoted text of link 

كيف تكون ديموقراطية بدون دستور مكتوب وهو من شروط الديموقراطيات باعتبار أن الشعب هو صاحبه وبه يحكم؟؟
إذا كان هدف أمريكا هو الديموقراطية في العالم العربي وغيره , إذن لماذا أقرب الناس إليها هو تلك الدول التي ليس لديها دستور ولا تحرتم الديموقراطية وتقهر شعوبها
ابتداءا من السعودية إلى البحرين حيث تحصل المجازر هذه الأيام , إلى ...............إسر__ل
نعم ليس لديها دستور .. لكن صدعنا من وصفها بالديموقراطية الوحيدة في الشرق الأوسط
كيف يكون التدخل العربي ضد سوريا , ولدى سوريا دستور , وهو الآن عرضة للتغيير من قبل الشعب ؟؟
وكيف تتهم إيران وحت مركز القائد الأعلى يخضع للمحاسبة والحجر من قبل الشعب؟؟؟
إلى متى نسمح لأمريكا وأتباعها أن يغموا أعيننا عن حقائق الأشياء
ولا نبحث , أو نسأل الأسئلة المناسبة؟؟

فلنبدأ من الآن , هم متهمون حتى تثبت إدانتهم , وكل مايقولونه كذب وبهتان , حتى نتأكد من العكس
أليس هذا هو مايعاملون به القوى الأبية الصادقة في المنطقة ؟؟

حتى اليهود كثير منهم لا يعترفون بإسراطيل , ويعتبرونها نجس خارج عن سلطة الرب
لكن أمريكا .. وحكام الجامحة العربية يرونهم هم الرب واجب الطاعة


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