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Monday, June 11, 2012

Graduated with honor, from Hell

Ali Hassan jailed a preteen, released a Man ,..
was 12 when arrested for congregating illegally " a term used to describe marching for Human rights and self determination by the regime ", after about 7 months, he's a teenager, and more matured,..

even though it is clear that he endured hell in the concentration camps of the regime, " see the black hallows around his eyes " , weight loss, signs of... tortures on his head and exposed parts of his body, he looked fatigued but determined,..
he got the looks of an activist and he indeed spells the glorious future of Bahrain, and warns of the demize of the regime that attacks kids just to make an example of them ,..

Shame on the world that does nothing to stop these monsters
A Puzzle:
Why is it that children are jailed for marching in Human Rights rallies all over the world, especially so in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain,..
and the International community just shuts up about it ,..
come on , preteen kids get jailed tortured imprisoned for political reasons ???
Martians do exist, that's the only acceptable explanation ,

Still to be graduated many more, amongst them is 11 year old " Ali Jaafar " 6 Months+ in jail :

and ,........... some,... never got the chance to go to the School of  Honor,.. But in Honor they left this world ,... they were killed on the spot, Run over by regime mercenaries; Ali Bedah,.. how his body parts were dismembered and even that did not stop the regime goons from making sure that he never gasp for air again,..
and this is NOT even the tip of the iceberg;
No wounder the 5th fleet command in the area never saw that ,..
But they should have,.. Icebergs are not common in the Persian Gulf, even though it seems that they accompany the presence of the USA armed forces everywhere ,..

Shame on you and down with regimes you support..

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