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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saudis'-Bahraini Believe of Deceit and Lies

22-year-old Essam Mohamed Abu Abdallah  was killed by gunfire from security forces.
he was one of 4 seriously injured as security forces entered his home town that was under siege for more than 2 months ,..

eye witnesses reported the direct shooting at them, the fall of the four then the attack again by the security forces using , this time, their rifle butts to smash the protesteor's face and body ,..

the question is ,.. had he died from the gun shots wounds why was he mutilated after being already dead,.. and if the shooting wasn't intentional why clubber him to death by rifle butts ????

tough ,.. stupid tyrants,.. and that was the official statement they announced ,..

The other three conditions still unknown, , Essam's body was not released ,.. 

Meanwhile in Bahrain, where Saudi Arabia practices the same monstrous acts exerted upon their people against the people of Bahrain in support of their brother tyrants ; AlKhalifas ; rulers of the tiny island ,..

another protester, Joseph Ahmad Abdullah,24 was kidnapped , and later on found dead by the sea, authorities claim that he was swimming ,.. " winter time at night " that was when they told his family who went looking for him that he is indeed in their custody ,..

The question is ,.. were they questioning him after he died?? or before he went swimming ??

and the most disgusting thing about the whole matter is the fact the USA is totally supporting these killer regimes ,.. and expect a romance by the people of the region ,..

How stupid and disgusting ..

USA is killing Saudis by the Hands of ..???

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