The page is Human rights Watch on Facebook ,
The issue is this :
HRW decided that an Israeli Film Festival is worthy of their unlimited support m even though the likes " when I saw this was less than 400 people " ,.. when the 1500000 people of Gaza; women and children do not have even rooftops to shield their fragile bodies from the cold,.. nothing to quench their thirst,.. and no food to fill their little bellies ,..

It's OK, for human rights watch to help the rich who kill the innocent get richer ,.. but will not even post a " lift the Blockade on Gaza " page on their wall and likes ,...
Photo: 3 of the 4 Human Rights Activists killed by The Saudi Police snipers
فجأة وجدت منظمة " حقوق الإنسان الدولية " نفسها تقرر أن مهرجانا صغير للأفلام في إسرائيل يستحق إهتمامها أكثر من غزة المحاصرة , وقتلى القوات البحرينية والسعودية
ليس على صفحتهم على الفيسبووك ولا أي رابط لصفحات دولية تنادي برفع الحصار عن 1500000 في غزة , لكنها تجد أن دعم أقل من 400 إنسان " معجبين بصفحة المهرجان الإسرائيلي " أهم كثير ا ..
Read and weep :
Occupy wall street is Anti Jewish anti Semitic,..

The issue is this :
HRW decided that an Israeli Film Festival is worthy of their unlimited support m even though the likes " when I saw this was less than 400 people " ,.. when the 1500000 people of Gaza; women and children do not have even rooftops to shield their fragile bodies from the cold,.. nothing to quench their thirst,.. and no food to fill their little bellies ,..

It's OK, for human rights watch to help the rich who kill the innocent get richer ,.. but will not even post a " lift the Blockade on Gaza " page on their wall and likes ,...
Photo: 3 of the 4 Human Rights Activists killed by The Saudi Police snipers
فجأة وجدت منظمة " حقوق الإنسان الدولية " نفسها تقرر أن مهرجانا صغير للأفلام في إسرائيل يستحق إهتمامها أكثر من غزة المحاصرة , وقتلى القوات البحرينية والسعودية
ليس على صفحتهم على الفيسبووك ولا أي رابط لصفحات دولية تنادي برفع الحصار عن 1500000 في غزة , لكنها تجد أن دعم أقل من 400 إنسان " معجبين بصفحة المهرجان الإسرائيلي " أهم كثير ا ..
What the Page of the Festival say about themselves,.. Please read through, and DO NOT let the outer shell fool you ,.. for Example they say nothing about Palestine,.. they clearly State Israel " Jewish State " in direct contradiction to the UN resolutions,.. It Say nothing about settlement,.. all in all ,.. It's just away to enlist more agents ,.. that's how I see it,.. and also is a mean for other things : .. here what they exactly said on the Page, word for word,.. and if anything is changed,.. They DID it ,.. " ..... and all besides the Obvious,.. WHY isn't their a page talking about Gaza siege and people KILLED trying to get medicine, food and shelter for the Kids of Gaza???
ماسبق هو نسخ من صفحة المهرجان الإسرائيلي ( الروابط تم نسخها معها من الصفحة لا أتحمل مسؤولية ماتؤدي إليه ), يظهرون أنفسهم بأنهم يقصدون حوار ومشاركة , لكن بقراءة معمقة يظهر هدفهم
أسست في 2007المهمة Founded in 2007, The Other Israel Film Festival uses film to foster social awareness and cultural understanding. The Festival presents dramatic and documentary films, as well as engaging panels about history, culture, and identity on the topic of minority populations in Israel with a focus on Arab citizens of Israel/Palestinian Citizen's of Israel, who make up twenty percent of Israel's population. Our goal is to promote awareness and appreciation of the diversity of the state of Israel, provide a dynamic and inclusive forum for exploration of, and dialogue about populations in margins of Israeli society, and encourage cinematic expression and creativity dealing with these themes. Our programming is guided by our mission to showcase quality cinema that brings to the big screen the human stories and daily lives of Arab Citizens and other minorities groups in Israel, often overlooked by mainstream Israeli society and culture.منتجات LETTER FROM THE FOUNDER
The Other Israel Film Festival was founded to be a vehicle for cultural change and social insights into the nature of Israel as a democracy and the complex condition of the lives of its minorities that are living in the Jewish Sate. Israel's largest minority within its midst is the 1.7 million Arabs. In its 60 years of existence Israel has fostered another group of people who have put down roots in Israel and have born their Hebrew speaking children in its boundaries - Israel's 300,000 foreign workers. It is not about the conflict - it is not about taking sides - this festival is about people.
Film can be a powerful tool, it can show new sides, change perceptions, and evoke emotions. Through the use of film we are provided with a human dimension that extends beyond the daily news bulletins. Film can explore the deeper meaning of everyday living. Through these films, the festival aims to present the lives, dreams and strengths of the Arab minority and to show their participation in Israeli life. Foreign workers present a unique condition in Israeli society and we aim to familiarize our audience with the faces of "foreign workers."
I care deeply about Israel and its future. Growing up in a democratic Jewish state has without any doubt shaped the cultural and national identity of all of its inhabitants and citizens - who know no other home. These films and artistic expressions are paving the way to co-existence and a new, more inclusive culture in the Middle East.
Carole Zabar
Founderالبريد الإلكتروني info@otherisrael.orgتسجيلات الإعجاب والاهتمامات
Read and weep :
Occupy wall street is Anti Jewish anti Semitic,..

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